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App Setup

Code Editors (IDEs)

Visual Studio Code I edit almost every file with this superlight editor.

Jetbrains Rider Best IDE for .Net projects

Visual Studio Heavy, but strong for all kinds of .Net projects

Git Client

GitHub Desktop easy to use

Fork an elegant git client

Source Tree I haven't used it

Git Extension capable, but only for Windows

Database Clients

DataGrip best database client for me

DBeaver There is a free community edition and it is universal for all databases

Azure Data Studio looks like Visual Studio Code and fresh


Stretchly do not work without breaks (macOS)

f.lux keep your eyes healthy

Eyes Relax do not work without break


Apple Notes pure note app and I use it with Alfred search

Microsoft To Do great tool for daily stuff like call her

Notion most capable and elastic note or project management app


Raycast new best tool for macOS for productivity

Alfred old best tool for macOS for productivity

Postman run and test your APIs

Soap UI generate requests for SOAP services

Microsoft Remote most clear way to connect Windows machines from macOS

KeePassXC great and strong password manager